Recent Design Projects with Photo's and Images
With the cursor sitting "on" the "Project News" tab - you will see a set of tabs that offer a selection of recent project design work - for you to review.
Some of the projects listed vary in size and scope - and vary in application (R&D, Residential, Institutional, Commercial).
Our selection within this section changes from time to time - depending on which new projects enter the production cycle that we would like to showcase. When this happens - it usually displaces an older project from the list. So - please check back from time-to-time to see what new projects we are associated with. Maybe your project will be showcased in the future!
Note: Most of the showcased projects have some dynamic images at the lower part of the page- allowing you to enlarge the image shown - to get a better view of the type of engineering layouts and documentation we typically produce for our clients.
Brief Overview of Projects |